Description of Kids Paint android app:

If you want to get this app for your beloved children you can buy from Google Play the price is 0,81$
Children like to paint, most of them at least. Even if the painted surface on the Android Phone is limited, the children can still good deal with Amazon's Free App of the Day.
Probably this is Android drawing application may be less about giving lessons to paint or draw a perfect picture. Because this application doinhg not focused for that. but this apps is the best drawing apps for kids, and will be fun for parents. Android is good. You will be able to paint or draw with a wide range of colors your android screen. For an artist like that certainly has its appeal, because the image will not look like you have it planned at first
The another Fun for using this app, it is also safe when importing a photo and then diligently to around paints his dog So you can not miss a special touch
But if for adults or teen maybe this app will not looks so special in their perception. Because it is more likely to just have a look around reflexive paintings or just for kids who want to paint a colorful picture as possible.

If you want to get this app for your beloved children you can buy from Google Play the price is 0,81$