It is the main software platform made by Research In Motion (RIM) for their BlackBerry line of handhelds. Operating System is the core operating software that is the engine of your BlackBerry. It provides multi-tasking, and makes use of the device's input devices, particularly the thumbwheel or trackball pointing device (used since 2006 till now).
#2 Push E-mail
Push email is the technology to send and receive e-mail with real time capability to the client as soon as it arrives. Each email is compressed 2 times to make the actual file size reduced up to 50 percent. With a push email smartphone, for example, the user's mailbox is constantly updated with arriving email effortlessly without user intervention. BlackBerry is the first PDA (personal digital assistant) to offer push email and gained near-instant success as a result, and its popularity continues to grow.
#3 BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)
BBM is abbreviation of BlackBerry Messenger. It is a sophisticated Instant Messenger application developed by Research in Motion (RIM) included on newer model devices. BBM allows clients to send files or pictures over the Blackberry network and instant messages over the Blackberry PIN system.
#4 SureType
It is a QWERTY-based character input method invented by Research in Motion / RIM (the BlackBerry vendors) for cell phones which is used on the Blackberry Pearl. It combines a QWERTY-based keyboard with a traditional telephone keypad to create a convenient way to input text on a cell phone.
#5 BlackBerry PIN
BlackBerry is an eight character hexadecimal identification number assigned to each BlackBerry device by the manufacturer. This unique personal identification number (PIN) numbers are locked to each handset device and cannot be changed.
#6 BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS)
BlackBerry Internet Service is a service that comes with every BlackBerry device that is activated with a service provider's data plan. It's the easiest, most affordable way for small businesses or individuals to start using BlackBerry smart phones without the need of IT support.
#7 BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES)
BES is the back-end software package that is part of the BlackBerry wireless platform from Research In Motion (RIM) that connects to messaging and collaboration software (like Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise, and Zimbra) on enterprise networks to synchronize email and PIM information between desktop and mobile software.
#8 Attachment Viewing
It is a BlackBerry service to enable users open an email attachment in the BlackBerry device through BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) or BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). The device must be integrated with an account that uses BIS or BES. You can view several types of file attachments on your BlackBerry device, including .zip, .htm, .html, .doc, .dot, .ppt, .pdf, .wpd, .txt, .vcf, and .xls files. You can also view .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, and .tif image attachments.
#9 BlackBerry Media Sync
BlackBerry Media Sync is a synchronization tool for transferring media files from a user's computer to the BlackBerry smartphone via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable. Media files can only be synchronized from the computer to the BlackBerry smartphone and not from the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer.
#10 RIM
RIM stands for Research In Motion, the company that manufactures BlackBerry devices and develops software products for it.
By Markus Sanarko