The Blackberry Gold has a screen size of around 480 x 320, large enough to allow users to use mobile video and read long emails much easier. Because of the larger display area, the Blackberry Bold is somewhat larger than other recent Blackberries. In spite of the increase in size, it is rather lightweight with an easy to operate keyboard. This model is the first to include Blackberry 4.6, the newest version of the Blackberry operating system. The Blackberry Gold also includes a 624 MHz processor and is the first of RIM's phones to support HSDPA high speed networks, GPS and Wi-Fi.
Up until now Blackberry has been behind the eight-ball in working with Microsoft Office files. Instead of old technology, new RIM smartphones including the Blackberry Bold will utilize the DataViz Documents to Go, a much more stable and premium version among the Mobile Office suites. With Documents to Go you can view documents and presentations almost exactly as they would appear if you were viewing them on a desktop. This is a definite advantage for those who travel frequently and use their Blackberry to communicate with their office as well as clients. Keep in mind that in many cases you can only view Microsoft documents, you cannot change them.
Since the Blackberry Bold is new to the market you will need to search a little more for a Blackberry Bold review. That doesn't mean there are no reviews available but rather that it will take some time before you will find many reviews on this phone. As you look forward you will discover that once mobile phone deals start to become available for the Blackberry Bold, it will become more popular and Blackberry Bold reviews will become easier to locate.
Blackberry has always been the most well-known among the smartphones but with so many other manufacturers developing their own smartphones, it's essential for Blackberry to be able to stay competitive and include some features RIM has never included on the Blackberry but that other smartphones have been using since their releases. With the competition so stiff for smartphones, RIM has to enter into the 21st century with its offerings and provide users with more features if they are to remain competitive. The number of "firsts" that are on the Blackberry Bold shows they are on their way to remaining the most popular smartphone on the market in both the individual as well as business sectors.
By Caroline Telford